The A-4E Community Mod is quite possibly the best free community built mod for DCS. It has a fully clickable cockpit. Accurate flight model. High quality textures inside the cockpit and outside. And it’s all for FREE!
Bogey Dope's Virtual Crew Chief (Voice Attack Profile)
As most of you already know, I am a former USAF F-16 Crew Chief. If you are looking for more immersion in ground operations, and would like ME to be your Crew Chief, I would recommend my Virtual Crew Chief Addon for the F-16. This is a Voice Attack profile, that is setup to respond verbally. In order to make this universal for all F-16 flight simulations, I made this in a way that it will interact with the pilot with carefully timed responses. You can watch a demonstration and install tutorial on my YouTube channel here. - DEMO VIDEO
ECHO19 Sound Mod
If you want realistic immersive sound for DCS, E19’s sound packages are perfect for you! High quality sounds. Easy to install. Check out my review and demo of this amazing sound overhaul here - REVIEW/DEMO VIDEO
ReShade is a generic post-processing injector for games and video software developed by crosire. Imagine your favorite game with ambient occlusion, real depth of field effects, color correction and more ... ReShade exposes an automated and generic way to access both frame color and depth information (latter is automatically disabled during multiplayer to prevent exploitation) and all the tools to make it happen. - TUTORIAL VIDEO